2018 Film Festival

This Sunday we begin our sixth annual festival of films.

Coinciding with the Melbourne International Film Festival, we’ve set aside three Sundays to reflect on three very different films: The Shawshank Redemption, The Post and Babette’s Feast.

You are invited to watch each of the films in the comfort of your own home or with a group of friends, then come to our Sunday service to reflect on the meaning of these stories through the lens of faith.

Collins Street’s Day of History

On Saturday July 21, Collins Street joined with the Victorian Baptist Historical Society to mark the 175th anniversary of the church.

Historian Dr Ros Otzen offered a keynote presentation, Calling the Roll: What we can learn from the membership roll of CSBC. A document dating back to 1851 — just eight years after the church was formally constituted — this grand old book contains thousands of names, each one representing a story of faith that is now part of Collins Street’s extraordinary heritage.

Interwoven in Ros’s presentation were reenactments of some notable sermons (for good and for ill) preached at Collins Street by its pastors, Revs Samuel Chapman, Samuel Pearce-Carey, FC Spurr and TE Ruth. Playing the roles of these past preachers were Rev Jim Barr, pastor of the Welsh Church of Melbourne, and actor Benjamin Newall.

Two further papers were also presented, one by Dr Liz Rushen on the life and work of Margaret McLean, and the other by Sandra Thwaites on the ministry of Rev Thomas Elias Ruth.

You can access podcasts of these presentations, along with other resources related to our anniversary celebrations, here.

Welcome to Sherry Maddock

Today we welcome Sherry Maddock to our pastoral team. As Coordinator of Neighbourhood Engagement, Sherry will lead the church in initiatives of community engagement and ensure that Central House is a place of welcome in the neighbourhood. Sherry, Geoff and Isaac live in Central House and bring a wealth of experience and insight to their life with us.

Celebrating 175 years

In 2018, we celebrate our 175th anniversary.  From humble beginnings in 1843, Collins Street’s story of life and mission in the heart of Melbourne is an extraordinary one.

Through a number of events, we’ll be honouring our past, recalling our stories and celebrating our future as one of Australia’s oldest continuing Baptist communities.

For more details