As a community of faith, we are inspired by the challenge of Micah, a Hebrew prophet, who called the people of God to “do justice, to love kindness and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8). It’s this call that shapes our life together and helps determine our priorities in mission: the priorities of justice, hospitality and spiritual growth. Even more, we find in Jesus one who embodies this way of living in the most compelling way.
Collins Street is a community engaged with the challenges facing our neighbours near and far. Through public advocacy on social issues of equity, offering friendship to our neighbours, and hosting public forums and conversations, we seek to play our part in nurturing a just and inclusive society.
Collins Street is a church of open doors. The hospitality of God is key to our understanding of mission. We model this commitment in the ministries of our Verandah Cafe at the church’s front door and the Green Room at the back. What’s more, we open our doors to the city through our engagement with Melbourne’s annual festivals including White Night, the Melbourne Arts Festival, the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, the Melbourne International Film Festival and more. Our annual art prize and exhibition Feast•Pray•Love draws artists from around Australia to reflect on the themes of spirituality in everyday life and welcomes the wider community into that reflection.
We are a community committed to a faith rooted deeply in the Christian tradition, one that can begin in multiple places and flourish in ways unique to each individual story. Through shared practices of faith and worship and small groups for bible study and mutual support, we encourage one another to a deeper engagement with God.