The season of Lent begins this coming week. Join us each Sunday from March 1 as we explore the parables of Jesus from Luke’s gospel.
Advent @ Collins Street
Annual General Meeting 2019
Members and friends of Collins Street will meet this coming Sunday October 20 for the church’s AGM. We will receive the Annual Report, elect the church’s officers and deacons for the coming year, and celebrate all that’s good about our community.
You can read the Annual Report 2019 here.
October sermon series
CSBC Retreat Day
A new series for September
This weekend, the first Sunday of spring, we begin a new series of reflections from the New Testament letter to the Ephesians.
Join us!
CSBC’s Festival of Films
It begins this Sunday!
July series: Ethics for Everyday Life
Our new series of sermons and reflections begins Sunday July 7.
Men in the Kitchen
Our pastor Simon will be speaking at a dinner in July on Men in the Kitchen: Food, Gender, Culture and Community. You can book here.
Propagate: Life Lessons in the Green Room
Propagate is a six-session learning opportunity offered on Sunday afternoons in the Green Room. It begins this weekend, and everyone is welcome.