A new series for September

This weekend, the first Sunday of spring, we begin a new series of reflections from the New Testament letter to the Ephesians.

Join us!


A change in leadership for Collins Street

At a special meeting of members in October, the church approved a new model of pastoral leadership for its ministry, commencing January 2019.

After eight years of partnership in senior and associate roles, our pastors Carolyn Francis and Simon Carey Holt have been appointed co-pastors of the Collins Street Baptist Church. This important change represents a collegial model of leadership in which Carolyn and Simon will share pastoral oversight of the church with roles that have equal standing and responsibility in its mission.

Within this new structure, each pastor will carry distinctive responsibilities: Carolyn as Pastor for Teaching and Worship and Simon as Pastor for Care and Community.

A paper detailing this change is available here. The pastors and deacons value the prayers of the community in the exciting days that lie ahead.